Friday 13 February 2009

Judging Books

Have you ever watched something on television that before you have even seen it, you have the feeling that you're not going to like it? Yes, as you can probably guess, I did this recently. What was the programme you ask? skins on E4!!!

Well, surprise, surprise, no I didn't like it!!!

(Yes that was a one line paragraph for effect.)

It was absolutley amazing!!! Whilst, completely and utterly outrageous in both plot and characters, you can't help but to sit back and keep watching. I don't really know what the unique selling point of this programme is to be honest, yet as I'm sat in the living room watching downloaded episodes on my iPhone, I couldn't really care.

It makes me laugh so hard, my lungs feel like they are going to genuinly burst at any given moment; there's not many programmes which have made me feel like this in a very long time! And Cook is just a pure genious of character.

*Now if you excuse me, I have some episodes to get back to watching.

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