Sunday 1 March 2009

Singing Teachers

As many of you will not be aware (yes, ok, so normally it is "So as many of you ARE aware, but I'm trying to be different ok?), one of my cousins is an English teacher in a private girls school. Recently, I was enlightened by one of her students, who I just happen to know, that she sings in class.

No suprise there then! And that's not in a bad way!!!

Then I was told that she was singing the Pussycat Dolls!!! I collapsed!!! I went into cardiac arrest!!! Fran, a Pussycat Dolls fan!!! (She tried to blame it on Anna appartently!!! - I'm disappointed in you Fran because this, this is a bad thing!!!!!!)

It may have related to the set essay, but still, there is no excuses for this. Anyway, I must now dash, "When I Grow Up" by T.P.D. has just exited the left earPhone connected to my iPhone [someone must surely get this!] and I must concentrate on the lyrics!


1 comment:

  1. Ho ho ho. Very funny. All I can say to that is, I bet you wish you could sing like your cousin. Doncha!
